Easier than you think!

Tired of Complex analytics & hefty agency Fees?

Want to understand your business’s online performance simply & affordably?

We build stunning Dashboards that are easy to understand with 100’s of KPI’s we can put together & get easy to understand reports

straight to your email!

Intuitive dashboard’s making it easy to understand your online performance

Get automated AI driven reports that don’t just show you the data but what you can do about it

The keyword "Easy dash USA" clicks are up (55.56%), which is a lot higher than other keywords.



Look into why "Easy Dash USA" is performing so well and consider leveraging this.

Keep an eye on your position, especially towards the month's end, this is when people are most interested! You could capture potential increases in interest.

Great Value! Standard plan at Β£35 a month is a lot cheaper than those agency fee’s

We can connect to multiple sources and report and build dashboards for you

To just to name a few ….

Don’t just take our word for it

How does it all work?



Choose your plan and fill in a few details (don’t worry we don’t ask for any money yet”)



We'll get you up and running in a few days. We just need a few bits of information from you.



With Easy Dash set up, you're ready to unlock insights and propel your business growth.

Get Started and choose a plan



per month

For people just starting out or only one website and a social media page

βœ… 2 Connections

βœ… Monthly Report & insight

βœ… Access to Dashboard

❌ Growth Strategies

❌ Video Calls

Most Popular



per month

For established people wanting to grow with a website and a couple social media accounts

βœ… 4 Connections

βœ… Weekly Report & insight

βœ… Access to Dashboard

βœ… Monthly Growth Strategies

❌ Video calls



per month

Larger Business or for people wanting a more hands on approach for rapid growth.

βœ… 10 Connections

βœ… Daily Report & insight

βœ… Access to Dashboard

βœ… Weekly Growth Strategies

βœ… Monthly 1-2-1 Videos calls with Digital Marketing Expert